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My life has been an unfolding of understanding the principles of energy,

and working with it to promote greater health and vitality. 


Over the years, I have studied basic homeopathy, massage therapy, herbal medicine, flower essence therapy, energetic/psychic healing, and eventually learned QEST™ (Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy:  QEST™).  Since graduating from the Quantum Energetic Institute in February 2005, I have been working as a Certified Practitioner of Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy (QEST™).  Shortly thereafter, I also received certification as a Certified Biofeedback Specialist, using the Quantum Biofeedback device known as the SCIO.  In 2015, I became certified as a Licensed Spiritual Health Coach, and love to inspire and teach personal empowerment and self-healing techniques to the clients I work with.


My deep interest in energy and energetic healing began after graduation from college with a degree in Business Administration, and then studying massage at the Boulder School of Massage Therapy in 1988. In a two-year program I attended through the Transformational Healing Institute in Boulder, CO, I received my first exposure to meditation  and the notion that everything in and out of form is energy: waves of energy that create matter depending on the vibration of the energetic wave. 


My motivation for working in the healing arts stems from my desire to be of service to the Earth and humanity, and share my knowledge and gifts for that higher purpose.  I believe that Divine Love is a wave of energy, like everything else in the Universe.  This energy, when applied to dis-ease, shifts the vibratory expression of it.  I believe that all matter organizes itself as either Love or the opposite of it.  Some might call this “fear”, “darkness”, or “heaviness”.  I believe in miracles and the ability of Divine Love to transform any situation.   I hold that intention in every session that I share with each client.

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